作成者:Srijan Kishore
TestDiskは、強力な無料のデータ回復ソフトウェアです。 rm-rfまたはshift+deleteでクラッシュ/削除されたext3/ext4ドライブがあるとします。 コマンドのように、TestDiskの助けを借りて、データ/ファイルを回復することができます。TestDiskは
- に使用できます
- パーティションテーブルを修正する
- FAT、exFAT、NTFS、ext2 / ext3/ext4パーティションからファイルを元に戻す
TestDiskをインストールし、クラッシュしたドライブにデータ回復スクリプトを実装するCentOSを使用しています。このスクリプトは、CentOS / Fedora/Redhatで正常に機能します。ハードディスクのいずれかが削除された場合でも、ハードディスクをCentOSマシンに接続し、スクリプトを実行してデータを回復するだけです。3。スクリプト
#!/bin/bash ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### ###### ####### ###### ####### ###### This script will help you to recover the accidentally ####### ###### deleted data from crashed linux file systems ####### ###### Version-2 ####### ###### Script created by (Srijan Kishore) ####### ###### ####### ###### ####### ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### # User Check if [ "$USER" = 'root' ] then whiptail --title "User check" --msgbox "User is root, you can execute the script successfully." 8 78 echo "User is root, you can execute the script successfully" else whiptail --title "User check" --msgbox "User is not Root. Please run the script as root user." 8 78 echo "User is not Root. Please run the script as root user." exit 1 fi # Check your operating system cat /etc/redhat-release >> /dev/null if [ "$?" = 0 ] then whiptail --title "Your OS" --msgbox "You are using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora" 8 78 echo "You are using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora" else whiptail --title "Your OS" --msgbox "You are not using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora.You can download the TestDisk from this link http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download" 8 78 echo "You are not using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora.You can download the TestDisk from this link http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download" exit 1 fi #adding repo ver=`cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d " " -f3 | cut -d "." -f1` ls -l /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge* if [ "$?" != 0 ] then whiptail --title "Repository requirement" --msgbox "You need to add rpmforge repository to install testdisk" 8 78 if [[ `uname -i` = 'i386' && $ver = 6 ]] then echo "you are running i386 with 6 version" yum install -y http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.i686.rpm fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 6 ]] then echo "you are running i386 with 6 version" yum install -y http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'i386' && $ver = 5 ]] then echo "you are running i386 with 5 version" yum install -y http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 5 ]] then echo "you are running x86_64 with 5 version" yum install -y http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 4 ]] then echo "you are running i386 with 4 version" yum install -y http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 4 ]] then echo "you are running x86_64 with 4 version" yum install -y http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el4.rf.x86_64.rpm fi else whiptail --title "Repository requirement" --msgbox "You already have TestDisk repos configured" 8 78 echo "You already have TestDisk repos configured" fi # TestDisk installation testdisk --version >> /dev/null if [ "$?" = 0 ] then whiptail --title "Info" --msgbox "Testdisk already installed" 8 78 echo "Testdisk already installed" else whiptail --title "Info" --msgbox "Testdisk not installed, installing Testdisk" 8 78 echo "Testdisk not installed, installing Testdisk" yum install -y testdisk fi #Recovery part of deleted files ls -l /root/result/lostfiles if [ $? != 0 ] then mkdir -p /root/result/lostfiles whiptail --title "Data recovery" --msgbox "You are proceeding towards recovering the data from the lost drive. Please select the affected drive to get the data recovered" 8 78 photorec /d /root/result/lostfiles else whiptail --title "Folder Exists" --msgbox "There is already an existing folder viz /root/result/lostfiles, you are adviced to rename/remove the folder to allow the data recovery process" 8 78 exit 2 fi #File filtering user=`ps aux | grep gnome-session | grep -v grep | head -1 | cut -d " " -f1` mkdir "/home/recovered_output" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Debians" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/rpms" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/conf_files" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/exe" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/binaries" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Docs" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Pdfs" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Mbox" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Images" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Videos" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Sound" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/ISO" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Excel" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Presentation" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Archives" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Others" #Sorting the Recovered data find /root/result/ -name "*.doc" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.docx" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.odt" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.pdf" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Pdfs/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mbox" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Mbox/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.png" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.jpg" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.jpeg" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.gif" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.avi" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mpeg" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mp4" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mkv" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.webm" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.wmv" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.flv" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mp3" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Sound/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.wav" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Sound/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.deb" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Debians/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.bin" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/binaries/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.exe" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/exe/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.rpm" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/rpms/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.conf" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/conf_files" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.iso" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/ISO/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.xls" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.xlsx" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.csv" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.ods" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.ppt" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.pptx" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.odp" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.html" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.htm" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.jsp" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.xml" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.css" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.js" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.zip" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.tar" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.rar" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.gzip" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.tar.gz" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.7z" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.bz" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.bz2" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.*" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Others/" \; #Finalization whiptail --title "Congratulations" --msgbox "You have successfully recovered your data in folder /home/recovered_output cheers :)" 8 78 echo "You have successfully recovered your data in folder /home/recovered_output cheers :)" exit 0
上記のスクリプトをコピーしてファイルvizに貼り付けるだけです。 script.sh &スクリプトに実行権限を付与します。
chmod + x script.sh
sh script.sh





